Wednesday, 6 August 2014

What am I doing?

Hello and welcome!

When you're reading this, you are reading a little piece of history. Not very important history; it won't be standing in future school books, get made in to a documentary, and I doubt it will even make its way to Wikipedia.

For me, however, this is important history. It's my own story, still being created. My ambitious mind and longing heart has sent me out on a quite insane trip to the other side of the world. To be more precise: I'm moving to Japan as an exchange student. This is the beginning, and since it's the beginning, it has to be dramatic:

Day 1
Date: 6th August 2014, evening
Location: In some standard hotel near Gardemoen Airport, Oslo, Norway. Not even close to Tokyo yet.
State of mind: It's shifting. For now, let's call it a mix of an exited school girl and James Bond.

After taking a heartbreaking goodbye to my dog, family and friends, I finally got into the tiny, noisy airplane that brought me to Oslo. Because of the long distance, it was impossible to to arrive at Oslo the same day as my next plane leaves, so I have to spend the night at an airport hotel. I don't really mind, and sitting here writing I've realized that it's quite relaxing. For the first time in a long while I don't have to stress about "I should really pack now", "Hope my visa arrives soon" and "How will I do this in Japan, and how will I do that". I'm all ready now, the luggage is packed, and if I forgot something it doesn't even matter now.

I'll leave for the airport at 8 am tomorrow morning, and until that time I have plenty of time to think about the near future. Are the other students nice, is my host family nice, is my neighborhood nice, is my school nice, will my Japanese ever get nice? That type of thing.
But knowing myself right, I'll probably love everything and everyone anyway, so it's nothing to worry about.
Although I'll miss my family, friends and home, and not least my dear dog, I'm really excited. I look forward to meet all those new people, and I can't wait to walk the streets of Tokyo again. (Tokyo is the most amazing city in the whole world, in case you wondered).
I was there last year on a language course, and I'm so glad I was! It makes things so much easier for me now, considering the language and culture, and all the good memories are very motivating. It also made me a lot more familiar with Tokyo, my new home. As I get there now I'm already capable of getting around on my own, which I think is a big plus!

Anyway, that's the situation now. I created this blog for friends and family to be able to keep track on me, as well as all others who might have an interest in Japan or exchange programs in general.
I'm not sure how often I will update, and I don't want to stress myself with it, but I was thinking once a week or so. There will be more pictures in the future as well, but at the time I have neither a camera or a functioning phone, so you'll have to wait...

Thanks for reading, and welcome back for an update! ~


  1. Gleda me t å les om oppholde ditt i Japan! :D

    1. Takk takk! E gleda me til å skriv om oppholdet i Japan! :D
